Shining Force Classics is a compilation of three major SEGA classics: Shining Force, Shining Force 2 and Shining in the Darkness. While they do all belong to the same saga and take place within the same universe -- the first two titles are heavily laden with a strategic component (not unlike games from the Fire Emblem saga). Meanwhile, the third: Shining in the Darkness is your standard dungeon crawler shot from within a first-person perspective.
Each of the three adventures in Shining Force Classics has you creating your own unique character and naming them as you wish. In Shining in the Darkness your objective is to rescue the King's daughter by blazing through the dungeons of Thornwood, killing off any of the hundreds of monsters that cross your path. In Shining Force 1 and 2, conflict escalates very quickly with multitudinary battles where you control a number of characters simultaneously. Each game brings a different set of elements to the table, which evokes a completely distinct gaming experience in each case, but they're all great and will satisfy any true fan of this genre.
Shining Force Classics forms part of the 'SEGA Forever' line -- a series of video games launched officially by SEGA themselves, and redesigned for smartphones. As with any other launch, you'll get total freedom when it comes to setting up controls. Plus you can opt to rewind back by 15 seconds at any time and save your game whenever you want. What's even better is that the game is a true 'Free-to-Play' so you'll only have to sit through in-app ads while waiting for the game to start up.